Property Data
Value Package

It’s powerful to know prevailing market values in the neighborhood that you are looking into, therefore you can see the same properties sold in the last few months and compare if you’re getting a fair price for your new home. All properties are in a flood zone. It’s just a matter of whether the risk is low, medium or high. Order your flood report here today.  Visit our home buying tips to have edge in the housing market.

You can order the Property data value package by clicking the link below. 

Value Package includes:

Property Details

This is complete perspective of the property and the area. You’ll received the demographics, plat map and even school information in the area. Great information for the value.

Transaction History

You will see the history of the property. How many times the home has been sold and if there is any improvement made to the property. Property Data Value package is the perfect tool in looking into a new property. 

Property Comparables

Don’t overpay and know the current prices in a particular area. This will help price your home, if you’re selling or buying a new home. This is a powerful negotiating tool for investors too. Property Valuation is one of the main factors in buying a home.

Foreclosure Activity

Foreclosure information gives you a perspective if the property is in pre-foreclosure or in the foreclosure process already. You can use this as a negotiating factor with the lender, saving you time and money.