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Property Records in Tallahassee, FL

Property Records report in Tallahassee, FL gives you historical information about your specific property or a home that you are interested in buying in the Leon County area.

Reports could be researched online and downloaded

With properties aging in Tallahassee, FL, knowing more about the property is extremely important. These benefits buyers, sellers and even real estate professionals alike. Saving you time and money in the long run

What’s in a Property Records report?

The report lists the most common information about your home, like:

Property Details

This part of the report gives you the specific legal details about your property and how it’s recorded in the county.

If you’re buying a home, this is essential information to have before dedicating time to finalizing the purchase. Usually, a mortgage lender will help you towards it but having a copy on hand gives you access to basic information like the sale date/transfer date, transfer value at the time of sale and property type (2-4 unit).

Property type is important if you see an additional structure in the property and it not listed on the report it may not be permitted by the county to have that addition. Example like an additional garage, extra room or storage units that have foundations on it.

Transaction History

The information here is the mortgage releases throughout the life of the structure. You will know when the property was first bought and sold. Having to know the age of the property gives you an idea of how old the plumbing, foundation, and even the roof structure.

Comparable Homes in the area

Knowing the homes that sold in the area gives you the real value of the neighborhood. If you’re buying a home in the area this will give you the information to negotiate better.

property records tallahassee fl
Doak Campbell Stadium in Tallahassee FL

If you’re a seller you can maximize the price of your home and get more money out of it.

Foreclosure Activity

Foreclosure is not really a good thing for the community or the individual in the process. But if you are a buyer and don’t mind some fixer-upper work, you might find a bargain.


The information in the demographics section gives you the populations of the zip code, number, and growth of households and age distribution.

If you have a family or in the retiring years, location is really important. You want a community that shares your current lifestyle since you’ll be living in the area for quite a while.

Public and Private Schools

School information is one of the important information that we need as parents, most often we move to a particular neighborhood because of schools in our area.

You will have the data for schools that your children might go to, from kindergarten to high school.

Most of the time, property records in Tallahassee covers both public and private schools in the district.

Crime reports

Information in the crime report section comes from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports (UCR).

Crimes committed in the area will be broken down, thus giving a perspective about crimes rates around the neighborhood. This will include theft, larceny, and arson as an example.

Plat Map

Shows the tract of land that the property is situated in. Drawn to scale to show the lot measurement, boundaries, flood zones, street around it and right of way or easements.

View it as a whole

Take the report as a holistic view of the property. It leaves you no surprises and gives you room to plan on what needs to be done with the property if you’re a buyer of the home. If you’re a seller, the report gives you the power to compare your home to other properties that sold in the past, usually, it goes back 90 days.